We are coming up on the end of the year and the beginning of a New Year! I know people have mixed reactions to the concept of "New Year's Resolutions" so I am thinking about this and wanted to share my thoughts.
• Humans love patterns, and the beginning of a calendar year gives us a distinct feeling of a "fresh start". It's the beginning of a month, plus the beginning of a year. And, it's right after a long holiday season when we have done a lot of things we don't normally do, taking time off work and travelling etc, so New Year feels like a time to "reset" and refocus.
• Of course, we do not have to limit ourselves to this one singular "fresh start". We have the beginning of each season, the beginning of each month, a beginning of an astrological season, a beginning of a Lunar month, our birthdays, and plenty of non calendar events like "first day of a new job".
• I think maybe people put too much weight on this one singular chance to start fresh, and if they fail that feels really bad, and so then people have bad feelings associated with New Year's Resolutions.
• it's possibly better to remember that you can start fresh any time you want. There is always an opportunity to say "this didn't work out for me, so I'm going to try something different now". You can take some of the pressure off of your goals if you allow yourself to remember we get to "reset" any time we want.
• When things are going well, I can use another New Start to recommit. When something isn't working for me, I can use another New Start to set my intentions to try a new strategy or plan, or even abandon the original goal for a new one if my desires and needs have changed.
• personally this is why I love Astrology and the Lunar Cycle. By following the astrological seasons I can change my focus and look at different areas of my life every month. By following a Lunar cycle I can start fresh and reset my goals with every New Moon. Whether you believe in any mystical or spiritual energy of the New Moon or not, it gives you a regular cyclical pattern of timing for checking in on your goals.
• This year, the Capricorn New Moon occurs the night of Dec 30 and through the day on Dec 31. January 1 is aligned with the beginning of the Waxing Crescent Moon Phase - an ideal time for starting new projects or goals!
• Before the new moon we have a Waning crescent and a waning dark moon. These are traditionally periods of release. Spend these next few days before the New Moon thinking about what you would like to let go of or release. Get rid of clutter, take out the trash, detoxify the body, and find ways to let go of the old that you don't want to bring with you into the new year. This helps wipe the slate clean and create an empty space for your goals and intentions to be set with the New Moon.
• At the New Moon, set your intentions. Create positive affirmations about your goals. Write down what steps you will take to accomplish these goals. Use the S.M.A.R.T. methodology for your intentions. Outline the baby steps that it will take, be realistic and don't overwhelm yourself with too many changes at once! Focus on a couple changes for the first month, and incorporate more with the next New Moon!
• Finally, on New Year's Day with the beginning of the Waxing Crescent phase, begin taking those baby steps. Celebrate each step of progress along the way! Don't punish yourself for slipping up, just start again or re-evaluate the steps to ensure your success!
A Capricorn New Moon:
Capricorn is the Cardinal Earth sign, ruled by Saturn
Capricorn is the sign of Responsibility - the kind of Success that comes from Hard Work and Dedication. While the success of Jupiter and Sagittarius are related to luck or fortune - the Success of Capricorn and Saturn is brought forth through hard work and a certain application of force and willpower. The Cardinal Signs are known for having a sense of leadership, initiation, a “start-up” drive or ambition.
The Cardinal Sign of the Winter Season for the Northern Hemisphere has a challenge of being the “leader” that will push us through the winter. The “success” here is one forged in hardship - the survival of winter belongs to those who can push through rigid and icy boundaries - or create safe warm havens of shelter for the darkest and coldest days. The Southern Hemisphere experiences Capricorn season with the Summer Solstice - the longest days and hottest weather - which also will require a degree of fortitude and determination to push through! The leadership, responsibility, and determination of Capricorn is necessary no matter which Solstice has just passed.
The archetype of Capricorn in Astrology is characterized by a grounded and disciplined energy, emphasizing ambition, responsibility, and the pursuit of long-term goals. Ruled by Saturn, the planet of structure and authority, Capricorn embodies a practical and pragmatic approach to life. The main lessons of this archetype involve mastering self-discipline, cultivating resilience in the face of challenges, and understanding the value of hard work and perseverance. Capricorn energy encourages individuals to build solid foundations, both in their personal and professional lives, and to take a strategic and patient approach to achieving success. This archetype teaches the importance of responsibility, integrity, and the gradual climb toward one's aspirations, embodying the wisdom that enduring challenges with determination lead to lasting accomplishments and a sense of self-mastery.
Capricorn Key Words:
You can use these key words to help you think about your goals or intentions for this month, or to help you write affirmations for this month.
It is no wonder that we collectively feel motivated and inspired to create lofty goals for our future success at the New Year! It is not only the beginning of a new month and a new calendar year, but it falls right near the middle of the time the Sun is in Capricorn (Tropical)
Capricorn Introspection:
As you look ahead for the new year, and for the coming month, it may be beneficial to get specific with some intentions and goals specifically related to the lessons and archetype of Capricorn. Below are some questions to journal with to help you determine what kind of goals you want to set at this time:
What is your definition of success?
What will success look like in your life? (be specific!)
What is your highest ambition for this year?
What are some practical steps that you can take to work toward your ambitions and success?
Who are the wise elders or leaders in your family or tradition or field of interest that you can learn from - and what are some specific ways you can learn from them?
In what ways do you need to be more disciplined or responsible as you work toward your goals?
What specific habits can you work on building that increase your discipline or resilience?
SMART Goals:
Once you have a goal or two that you want to focus on working on, you can use the SMART model for helping to make these goals more specific and attainable.
S - Specific - what is your specific desired outcome? What needs to be accomplished, and who needs to do each task?
M - Measurable - how can you measure and track your progress? Can you break it down into smaller steps that can be placed on a checklist? Is this goal something you can mark as "done" on a daily to-do list? Can you measure your progress in some other way?
A - Achievable - is this goal realistic? Can you reasonably accomplish this task or do you need to scale it back? What support will we need to help us attain this goal? We want to dream big, but be reasonable so you aren't setting yourself up for failure and disappointment. Your expectations should align with reality so that you aren't demanding super-human strength from an average human, but you aren't under-setting the goal with child-appropriate expectations for adults.
R - Relevant - is this goal relevant to the big picture? Think over your long term goals for success. Does this goal align with your desires and help you? Is this goal relevant to your current life situation? Make sure you aren't wasting time working on something that is not relevant to your big picture.
T - Time-Bound. This goal needs a deadline or a schedule. Do you have a deadline for when you want to be finished? Or is this a "do this three times a week" or "do this every day" type of goal? What are the boundaries of time that are placed on this goal that will keep you accountable?
