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Pluto in Aquarius: 2024 - 2043

Writer's picture: hestiasmusehestiasmuse

Pluto enters Aquarius: Nov 19 It is finally here - Pluto has officially exited the sign of Capricorn for the last time in our lives, and will now be in the sign of Aquarius until 2043!

Pluto, the planet of transformation, regeneration, and uncovering hidden truths, moving through Aquarius—a sign associated with innovation, humanitarianism, and progressive ideals—brings a powerful shift toward rethinking societal structures, our approach to technology, and our concepts of power and freedom. This transit encourages deep change in how we view communities, equality, and individual rights, often leading to revolutions in social norms, governance, and the way we connect as a global society. However, Pluto’s transformative energy can be intense and uncomfortable, as it challenges existing systems and forces us to confront outdated structures that no longer serve the collective good. The lessons of Pluto in Aquarius involve learning to balance individual freedom with the welfare of the group, questioning who holds power and why, and embracing a more inclusive, forward-thinking approach to building communities. This transit asks us to reimagine a future where technology and innovation serve humanity, where diverse voices are empowered, and where collective progress becomes a transformative force for all.

Pluto's transit through Aquarius is a significant astrological event that affects society as a whole rather than individuals in a personal way. It is a time of collective transformation, challenging outdated structures and systems and ushering in a new era of innovation and social progress. Aquarius is concerned with Social Dynamics, Humanitarianism, Invention, and Technology.  All of these areas relate to the Aquarian desire for and Ideal and more Perfect world, in which all people have the ultimate Freedom.  Thus, inventiveness and technological advances seek to free people from hardship of labor and lack. 

Humanitarianism and Social Advancements seek to free people from oppressive ideologies or governments, and provide equity and freedom to everyone.  Pluto is a planet of Change, Transformation, Power, Intensity, and the Soul of Humanity.  As Pluto moves through Aquarius it will challenge and change the Power Structures that relate to Social Dynamics and the Aquarian Ideal.  

The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was the years 1777 - 1798. This was the peak of the Industrial Revolution with massive changes in machinery and technology that changed human life dramatically. It was also a period of many social revolutions which included the French Revolution (1789 - 1799), the Haitian Revolution (1791 - 1804), and the Irish Rebellion (1798).

Key Themes and Potential Impacts:

  • Technological Advancements: Aquarius is associated with technology, innovation, and the future. Pluto's transit through this sign can bring about rapid advancements in technology and communication. There are a lot of predictions already about massive changes related to AI and Computing, as well as changes to travel modes that include flight and space travel.

  • Social and Political Upheaval: This transit can be a time of social and political upheaval, as people challenge outdated systems and demand change. Social Justice movements will rise in response to old our outdated systems from the past, as Aquarius is a sign associated with Advancement and Freedom.

  • Collective Consciousness: Pluto in Aquarius can awaken a collective consciousness, inspiring people to work together for the greater good, or fight for change against systems of oppression.

  • Humanitarian Efforts: This transit may foster a greater focus on humanitarian issues, as people become more aware of the interconnectedness of humanity.

  • Environmental Awareness: Aquarius is also associated with the environment, and Pluto's transit through this sign can increase awareness of environmental issues and inspire collective action. As Aquarius is an Air sign we may see more drastic changes to wind storms, air currents, and air temperature changes causing different or unique storm patterns due to climate change.

There will be so much more to explore as Pluto moves through Aquarius for the next 19 years, and we will learn so much from this transit. Some of which will be predicted by astrologers, but so much more will be revealed to us all as time passes.

Personal Transits:

Pluto in Aquarius will impact all of us globally, but it will have a more direct personal impact for some people more than others. Those who will notice the strongest personal impact are people with personal planets in your birth chart in the Fixed Signs; Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, and Taurus. There will also be some notable impact for people with personal planets in the birth chart in the Air Signs: Aquarius, Libra, Gemini.

The generation of Pluto in Scorpio will experience the transit of Pluto Square Pluto at some point during the Pluto in Aquarius Transit. This is generally seen as a period of intense upheaval and change - a "Dark Night of the Soul" that forces introspection and encourages you to release the identity of the past that does not serve your true authentic purpose in life.

Overall, this transit is slow moving, so some of you with these placements will still not have these transits for another 10 to 15 years.

The first round of Pluto in Aquarius Transits are going to impact those who have planets in the FIRST DECAN of the Fixed signs and Air Signs - so look to see if your planets in those signs are within the first ten degrees. Pluto will travel through the first ten degrees of Aquarius from now through the end of the year 2030.

If you want to take a deeper look at how Pluto in Aquarius might impact you personally, contact me to schedule your Pluto in Astrology Reading! On special through the end of 2024!

email to book your Pluto Transit Reading for just $60 if scheduled before the end of 2024!

RWS Tarot cards Judgement, The Star, and the Five of Swords
The Tarot Cards of Pluto in Aquarius

AstroCartomancy of the Pluto in Aquarius Transit:

  • Pluto corresponds with the Tarot card Judgement.

  •  Aquarius corresponds with the Tarot card The Star.

  • The first decan of Aquarius, where Pluto will be from now through November 29, 2030 - corresponds with the Five of Swords.

  • The court card associated with Aquarius is the King of Swords (although there may be different court card associations found elsewhere)


The Judgement card in Tarot represents a powerful moment of awakening, transformation, and self-evaluation. It symbolizes a time of reckoning, where we are called to take stock of our past actions, accept responsibility, and make peace with the choices we’ve made. This card often signals a turning point, where clarity and insight lead to renewal and a deeper understanding of one’s purpose. It invites us to release guilt, forgive ourselves and others, and embrace a sense of rebirth as we move forward with newfound wisdom. While the energy of Judgement can be intense, it ultimately leads to liberation and spiritual growth, urging us to step into our higher calling and align with our authentic selves. The challenges of this card lie in facing our truths honestly and having the courage to let go of what no longer serves us, but the reward is a profound sense of freedom and transformation.

The Judgement card is deeply connected to the energy of Pluto, the planet of transformation, rebirth, and uncovering hidden truths. Like Judgement, Pluto’s energy is intense and uncompromising, bringing profound change and encouraging us to confront the deeper layers of our psyche. Pluto rules over themes of death and rebirth, much like the symbolic “resurrection” depicted in the Judgement card, where individuals rise from their past selves into a new phase of existence. Both Pluto and the Judgement card remind us that growth often requires letting go of what is stagnant or outdated, pushing us to evolve through self-awareness and surrender. The connection between the two lies in their shared message of powerful transformation, uncovering truth, and moving beyond the limitations of the past to embrace a more authentic and purposeful path. Together, they guide us through the process of deep self-reflection and the eventual empowerment that comes from facing and embracing change.

The Star:

The Star card in Tarot symbolizes hope, inspiration, and renewal, often arriving as a beacon of light after a challenging period. It represents a time of healing, optimism, and reconnecting with a sense of purpose and faith in the future. The Star encourages us to dream big, trust in the guidance of the universe, and believe in our ability to manifest our highest aspirations. It speaks to a deep inner alignment with creativity, spirituality, and authenticity, urging us to stay open to possibilities and embrace a sense of calm and clarity. However, its challenges lie in the need to maintain hope and trust when outcomes aren’t immediately clear, requiring patience and perseverance. The lessons of The Star remind us to focus on our inner light, nurture self-belief, and allow ourselves to be inspired by the beauty and potential of life, even in the face of uncertainty.

The Star card is closely associated with the zodiac sign of Aquarius, as both reflect themes of vision, inspiration, and connection to the greater good. Aquarius is a forward-thinking, humanitarian sign that values innovation, individuality, and the pursuit of progress, aligning perfectly with The Star’s energy of hope and purpose. Just as The Star inspires us to align with our authentic selves and aspire to higher ideals, Aquarius urges us to think beyond personal limitations and work toward a brighter, more inclusive future. Both the card and the sign emphasize creativity, freedom, and a connection to universal truths, encouraging us to trust our unique path while contributing positively to the collective. Together, The Star and Aquarius remind us that personal growth and vision have the power to inspire and uplift not only ourselves but also the world around us.

Five of Swords:

The Five of Swords is a tarot card that represents conflict and tension. It depicts a figure holding three swords, with two swords lying on the ground. This card symbolizes a victory that comes at a cost, reminding us that winning over others may lead to strained relationships. It encourages us to examine our motives and actions, and consider the consequences of our victories. The Five of Swords highlights the potential pitfalls of ruthless ambition and the importance of finding peaceful resolutions. It prompts us to reflect on the ethical implications of our choices and the value of fairness. 

This card is about self-interest and how we can balance our own concerns with those of others. If we view ourselves as individuals separate from the community, our interests become limited to only how we can serve ourselves. However, we are all connected, and what we do to the world, we do to ourselves. This understanding is fundamental, but we often forget it in our day-to-day lives. The Five of Swords reminds us to consider the bigger picture and strive for harmony rather than fueling discord.  Remember that with the Fives in the tarot there is always a choice , and the outcome of the image on the card will change drastically depending on what choice is made. The Figure in the card can see the suffering of others, and with compassion he can choose to go help them and comfort them, or he can choose to collect his swords and go about his business, caring only for himself.  

You can review my podcast episode about The Five of Swords here:

Note - the Five of Swords is the tarot card for the first leg of Pluto's journey through Aquarius, from now through 2030. In December of 2030, this will shift to the Six of Swords, and then in late 2036 it will shift again to the Seven of Swords.

We can look at these tarot cards to help give more context for our study and predictions on the focus of Pluto in Aquarius Lessons. How do these cards inform your understanding of this transit, and what changes do you think Pluto in Aquarius will be bringing us?

The Age of Aquarius?

This phrase gets thrown around a lot when there are any major transits in the sign of Aquarius. Pluto in Aquarius does not mark the beginning of "The Age of Aquarius" - although we might very well be in the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, the movements of Pluto do not correspond with the begging of an Age.

People have argued for a long time about when the Age of Aquarius officially begins - and well; the jury is still out on that one.  The entry of Pluto into Aquarius on November 19 was not the definitive beginning of the Age of Aquarius.  This is because the beginning or ending of an Astrological Age has nothing to do with planets aligning in a sign.  The Ages are marked by the point of the Vernal Equinix aligning with a certain constellation.

The Precession of the Equinoxes relates to the slow long term movement of the equinoxes aligning with different constellations - a Great Year that lasts approximately 25,920 years - with about 2,160 years per constellation.  An "Age" refers to the astrological period of about 2,160 years in which the spring equinoxes align with one constellation before moving to the next one.  The alignment of specific planets in the sign of Aquarius have nothing to do with an Astrological Age.

However, because the constellations overlap somewhat in the night sky, and there is no clear definitive point in which one constellation ends and another begins - there are various beliefs among astrologers of when The Age of Aquarius begins.  The beginning of the next astrological Age will depend on when you believe the Age of Pisces began - and what you think The Age of Aquarius means energetically.  The general consensus is that we are in the end of the Age of Pisces AND the beginning of the Age of Aquarius - which - when you're talking about periods of time that last over 2,000 years; the "cusp" or "ingress" time can take a few hundred years and there is an energetic overlap.  Some believe that The Age of Aquarius began with the Industrial Revolution in the late 1700's.  Some believe the Age of Aquarius began in the late 1900's, while others believe it will not begin until the year 3573!

My personal Conclusion is that the Age of Aquarius will begin around the year 2100.

I feel that we are in the last 80 years of the Age of Pisces, and The Age of Aquarius will begin sometime at the end of this century.  In terms of Astrological Ages, 80 years isn't very long.... this would be akin to comparing the end of an Age to the end of one sign's season - so this next 80 years is like the last "day" of the "month" in a Great Year.  (If each Age is a "month" in the Great Year" - with each "month" being an Age that lasts about 2,160 years)  So we are very close, and I understand how some will feel that it has already begun - however - my main point is that the movement of Pluto into Aquarius not a marker for the beginning of this Age.  The Ages are not marked by planets in the signs - but by the alignment of the vernal equinox with constellations. I will personally cringe a little when I hear this called "The Age of Aquarius" - but I'm working on accepting that people find some comfort or meaning in calling it that while seeking to gently and kindly educate people on the true meaning of an Astrological Age.

The Pluto in Aquarius ERA We can still see that the next 20 years will experience profound energy shifts related to the transit of Pluto in Aquarius. While it is not "The Age of Aquarius" - it is The Pluto in Aquarius Era - just as the time period of 2008 through 2024 has been The Pluto in Capricorn Era. It is still a dynamic and profound cycle of time to be aware of, and to embrace and celebrate! It is a time of exciting change, revolutionary action, social justice, and technological advancements. While some of it will very likely be frightening and disturbing, I hope that the overall outcome is that we find greater unity and collective freedom. Pluto lessons are not the comfortable or "safe" kind of lessons, but Aquarius urges us to work towards collective resilience and advancement. Change is scary, and also necessary. In Life, growth is uncomfortable, but the alternative is to not grow or change, which is not life at all.

If you want to take a deeper look at how Pluto in Aquarius might impact you personally, contact me to schedule your Pluto in Astrology Reading! On special through the end of 2024!

email to book your Pluto Transit Reading for just $60 if scheduled before the end of 2024!

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Pluto in Aquarius Reading Special Price


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