Inspired by my previous post about Centaurs, here is a Tarot Spread I designed for use with Centaur or Sagittarius energy. It can be especially powerful to use when the moon is in Sagittarius.
As with before any reading or ritual, please remember to ground and center, and set up protections in whatever way you do. Calling on Archangel Michael, or asking for a ring of angels to protect you, or calling the quarters and elements and setting a circle of protection by visualizing a shield of light around you. Whatever feels comfortable and safe to you.
Tarot Spread - Lesson of The Centaur
Make sure you read the previous post all about Centaurs. There I cover the three gifts or lessons of the Centaur which are; Knowledge/Wisdom, Victory/Assertiveness, and Healing.
With this spread you will use Temperance as a Significator card. Simply find this card in the deck, and place it in front of you. Meditate on the meanings of this card and the Centaur's lessons. Use the affirmation, "I enthusiastically manage my needs and resources to bring about health and harmony". Think about the meanings of the Temperance Card of integration, balance, moderation, and transformation. Think about the Centaurs and how they teach us integration of Healing, Intellect, and Passion. In what ways in your life do you need this integration and balance?
Prayer (while shuffling the cards)
"I call upon the mighty centaur: warrior, hunter, healer, seeker of wisdom, and great teacher. I call upon you now, be my teacher. Show me what I need to know at this time and teach me to integrate body, mind, and spirit."
Divide the deck into three stacks. Take the first stack from the top of the deck, and place it in position one. Take the second stack from the deck, and place it in position 2. The remaining cards go in stack 3. Just let the cards naturally divide themselves into these stacks.
You will turn the top card of each stack over.

Card 1 is Centaur's teaching or lesson for you at this time concerning your healing. Picture the Centaur handing you a cup of a healing elixir. The card will show you what area of life this elixir will help you to heal. This could be for your physical health, or emotional/spiritual healing. Take this gift with deep gratitude.
Card 2, the scroll, is Centaur's message to you about wisdom and learning. This shows you where in your life you need to apply your intellect. It could be something you need to learn more about, or an area of life in which you need to apply wisdom and logic rather than force or action.
Card 3, the Sword... this is where Centaur is offering you help in the form of action. Your passion and assertiveness will help you in this area of life. This is also where the centaurs will offer to help fight for you to obtain victory in your goal.
Meditate and journal about all three of these cards. Be sure to interpret them through the lens and lessons of the Temperance card, which reminds you that each of these energies of the cup, scroll, and sword need to be used in moderation, balanced with each other, and integrated into your life with patience.
Thank the Centaurs for their lessons. You may wish to leave them an offering of some kind (food or drink - they really love wine or alcohol if you have any to put in a small cup or bowl to leave for them in gratitude for their help) or at least sincerely thank them for their help.
Blessed Be!